Interface-Specific Options

These are the available entries for this interface:

Controller = COM1 38400 N,7,1 - This entry sets the communication protocols for the controller. When PC-DMIS runs for the first time, the controller attempts to find the actual communication protocol that the machine uses.

VectDistance = 6 - This entry specifies the distance in millimeters needed for a "Pulled Hit" to operate.

CommDelay = 30 - This entry specifies the time in microseconds that PC-DMIS waits between commands sent to the controller. The newer versions of the controller appear to have difficulties with consecutive commands without this delay.

UseScaleDat = False - This entry forces PC-DMIS to read the scale.dat file from previous DOS versions.

FaroAsMouse = False - This entry toggles the Faro mouse mode on and off.

FaroMouseButton = 1 - This entry defines the function of the Back button on the Faro arm. The valid values and the associated functions are:

MouseModeChangableThroughButtons = True - This entry allows you to enable or disable the mouse mode through button combinations. When you set this entry to False, you cannot enable or disable the mouse mode with a button combination. You can still enable or disable the mouse mode through an entry or through the CMM Interface Setup.

PlatinumArm = False - Set to False (default) if you are using a Silver arm. Set to True if you are using a Platinum or Titanium arm (USB connection). You also need to install the appropriate file if you are using a Platinum or Titanium arm:

Please contact Hexagon Technical Support for any 3rd-party files you may need for your hardware.

Unzip the file and run setup.

The Platinum arm (USB port) is only supported for versions/beta later than 6/21/2003.

AllowArmSound = True - When this entry is set to True (default), the beep sound comes through the arm. This entry is for arms with serial communication only. For some old arms, the sound causes communication problems (long delay after you take a hit). In that case, set this entry to False.

TrackingSpeed = 100 - Defines the speed the mouse moves relative to the arm. The range of valid values is 50 to 200 inclusive.

AuxSwitch = False - When this entry is set to False (default), the auxiliary port is not used (for example, when you use a hard probe). Set to True to use the auxiliary port (for example, when you use a touch-triggered probe).