Installation Information

This interface is not available in the PC-DMIS 64-bit version (x64).

The DLL for the Mitutoyo-GPIB interface is named mitutoyo.dll.

The PC-DMIS Settings Editor section for this interface is named "Mitutoyo".

This interface is a GPIB interface and does not require any machine parameter file from the original Mitutoyo system. Mitutoyo considers these machines mechanically accurate, so no native software compensation exists. Several compensation methods, however, are supported. You must install the National Instruments driver and set it up for the Mitutoyo GPIB communication. For details, see the "Setting up the National Instruments driver for Mitutoyo GPIB Communication" topic in the PC-DMIS MIIM documentation.

To take manual hits with these machines, you need to push the MEAS button on the jog box.

For machines with a PH9 or PH10, the normal machine startup sequence includes using the manual control to specifically position the head (usually to 0,0). This ensures that all communications between the PH9/10 controller and the head itself are initialized and work properly. This should still be done even if it initially reads 0,0, and you want to position it to 0,0. Failure to initialize the head via the handset can lead to failures when you try to do a DCC rotation (it may not rotate at all or in some cases it may produce errors after it appears to finish rotating).

Related Topics:

Setting up the National Instruments driver for Mitutoyo GPIB Communication

Interface-Specific Options