
"Latching" is where the frame grabber board (such as the IDS Eagle) or digital camera (such as the IDS uEye, IDS uEyePlus, or HP-C-T) signals a digital IO line connected to the motion controller (usually through the SLC or VisionBox switching hardware). This latch signal is sent via a separate six-pin Hirose-type connector on the IDS Eagle, uEye, or uEyePlus.

Latching allows the camera frame data and stage position to be more accurately synchronized, which enables fast and accurate focus operations.

Vision systems (other than CMMV / HP-C-VE) with an FDC controller require camera latching configuration. Other controller configurations, such as the Metronics QC5000, Heidenhain IK5000, and Hexagon Embedded/Mycrona, do not support latching.

For systems that do not support latching, you must set the FrameGrabber_LatchingMode value in the PC-DMIS Settings Editor to 0.



