
The IDS frame grabber, IDS uEye, IDS uEyePlus, and HP-C-T camera can use a configuration file. The file is not required.

Create the WAI_Framegrabber.cfg file in the PC-DMIS directory.

All of the parameters have default values, except for logging (LoggerModeMask and LogFileName). The IDS frame grabbers and HP-C-T only use the LoggerModeMask and LogFileName parameters. The IDS uEyePlus uses the LoggerModeMask and LogFileName parameters and a UseConsoleWindow value which when set to 1 will display the log file text in a command window during PC-DMIS execution. By default, there is no logging.

The default WAI_Framegrabber.cfg is as follows:

; comment lines must start with a semi-colon (";")


; delay in microseconds from start of a frame to when the flash ( which is the trigger line for the controller) triggers.

; It seems best to keep this time at roughly ½ the frame exposure, so 9600 for the 6220 at 52fps and 41600 for the 6250 at 12fps

FlashDelayMicroSeconds 9600

; duration of the flash/trigger signal in microseconds

FlashDurationMicroSeconds 100

; maximum wait time for a latch to be processed and the callback to be made to ReportLatch()

LatchWaitTimeout 50

; maximum amount of drift of the frame vs latch time (ex: abs(frametimestamp-latchtimestamp)) since the last syncclock.

MaxOffsetStep 4.0

; max latching idle time before a clock resync is triggered. Latching will go idle when a contact or laser probe is active.

MaxLatchTimeInterval 30000

; max change in the controller timestamp interval

MaxIntervalVariance 3.0

; controls the level of logging.

;Normal logging: 1

;Normal logging plus every latch or frame: 3

;Maximum logging: 15

LoggerModeMask 1

;Log file name with path

LogFileName c:\\uEye\\framegrabber.log

The WAI_Framegrabber.cfg file may have only the LoggerModeMask and LogFileName lines.

You will know that the WAI_Framegrabber.cfg file was read if a log file is created at the specified LogFileName.

Note that log files can become very large, especially if the LoggerModeMask is set to a value larger than 1.

Below is a sample log file:

CUEye initialize started

Latching mode is lFREERUNLATCHMODE

Freerun thread initial frame success

***Sync Loop Start***

HRT: 8332563.364348

WaitForNextImage 1 161AF008

GetImageInfo ID 1

First AddFrame call HRT: 8332566.775915

2011 2 6 11 20 7 585

First AddLatch call HRT: 8332569.598491

HRT: 8332581.925119

WaitForNextImage 2 1FC70048

GetImageInfo ID 2

2011 2 6 11 20 7 604

HRT: 8332601.117351

WaitForNextImage 3 1FCDC060

GetImageInfo ID 3

2011 2 6 11 20 7 623

SetSyncTimestamps latch: 456787.061500 frame: 262903319ll

***Sync Loop End***

Freerun thread starting main frame loop

IsClockSyncNeededm_dExpectedFrameInterval set: 19.163200

Snapshot is_WaitForNextImage Total Discards: 1

Snapshot is_WaitForNextImage Total Discards: 1

GetAllFocusLatches FocusFrames Cnt: 416 Used Latches Cnt: 415

Snapshot is_WaitForNextImage Total Discards: 1

Freerun thread frame count: 1311

ThreadBaseRingFreeRun thread exiting

ThreadProcessFrameFreeRun thread exiting