
All Sheffield controllers with MEA correction require that the machine is homed when you reset the controller; that is, when power has been cycled (cold start). The Sheffield interface automatically detects, on startup, whether the CMM requires homing. Typically, the home position is in the front of the CMM in the upper-left corner.

For the Sheffield interface version 2.44 or later, on a DCC/MEA CMM, you are prompted to turn on the servos and place the CMM in Auto mode. Additionally, if the CMM has an indexable probe head, you are prompted to make sure that the CMM is in a location that is safe to rotate the probe head. To do this, you must:

  1. Press the SERVO button on the jog box to turn the servos on.

  2. Press the AUTO button on the jog box, and then wait until the LOCK XYZ button lights turn off.

  3. Click the OK button (the LOCK XYZ button lights go out).

  4. Click OK on the PC-DMIS Command Window prompt.

On a MANUAL/MEA CMM, the software prompts you to move the machine to the home position.

Prior to version 2.44, when PC-DMIS asks whether to home the machine, select "Yes" if the controller has been reset.