Procedure for Calibrating Tips at the MEA Location

To calibrate tips at the MEA location:

  1. Place the SMI-supplied calibration artifact (sphere) in the MEA hole on the CMM table location and secure.

  2. Open the Probe Utilities dialog box (Insert | Hardware Definition | Probe).

  3. Define a probe buildup in PC-DMIS that accurately reflects the physical buildup of the probe components.

* Discrepancies between the PC-DMIS buildup and the physical buildup will result in incorrect offsets.

  1. Define the desired probe angles.

  2. Click the Measure button. The Measure Probe dialog box appears.

  3. Select the MEA_CALIB_SPHERE tool from the list of available tools.

  4. Set the desired parameters.

  5. Click the Measure button to calibrate the tip(s).

  6. Click NO to the message, "Has the qualification tool been moved or has the Machine zero point changed?"

The CMM moves automatically to the MEA location to calibrate.

  1. Check the calibration results.