UMP-360 Controller

You can configure the UMP-360 controller with a Sheffield RCU or a Brown & Sharpe jog box. There are some differences in the way the CMM operates with a Brown & Sharpe jog box. For details, see the topic "Brown & Sharpe jog boxes".

When you configure your controller with the Brown & Sharpe jog box, the controller behaves as if it is always in Auto mode (DCC motion enabled) (for the Sheffield RCU, you must press the AUTO button to enable Auto mode). An LED illuminates when you enable DCC motion. A side-effect is seen with the PC-DMIS behavior when an ON ERROR statement with action on an unexpected hit is placed in the measurement routine and it is enabled for a feature. When an ON ERROR or an unexpected hit condition is encountered on a Sheffield RCU configured CMM, it is taken out of Auto mode. You must then press the AUTO button to place it back in Auto mode to continue. With a Brown & Sharpe-configured CMM, the DCC motion continues when you encounter this condition.