File Name

Standard DEA VolComp files can be any file name. You can use a full-path file name to facilitate sharing a common VolComp file with another application, such as "C:\\Tutor\\compens.dat".

Migrated VolComp File Names

For PC-DMIS file migration to work, the file name must be a migrated VolComp file name. The migrated VolComp file names are:

When a newer version of PC-DMIS is installed, the installation process automatically migrates or copies these files into the shared data files directory for the new version.


The following rules apply to VolComp files:

Some vision and multi-sensor machines use a hybrid ASI VolComp method, which uses a compens.dat file and a compgrid.dat file. If the compgrid.dat file is detected, it is read and applied.

Some vision and multi-sensor machines use a hybrid ASI VolComp method, which uses a compens.dat file and a compgrid.dat file. If the system detects the compgrid.dat file, it is read and applied. More information on the hybrid VolComp method is at:

This folder includes tools for a vision machine's XYZ calibration, specifically for the use of single or multiple level 2D-grid artifacts.