A Note on V42R Compatibility

Calibrations for two rotary tables are saved in both PC-DMIS version 4.2 (V42R) and PC-DMIS version 4.3 (V43R). However, V42R has only dual rotary table support and not stacked rotary table support.

V42R only stores a single rotary table angle in a measurement routine. It uses the same angle in the measurement routine for both rotary tables. On the other hand, V43R has stacked rotary capability and saves both V and W table angles to measurement routines.

If you open a V42R measurement routine into V43R, PC-DMIS copies the single rotary table angle to both the V and W table angles. PC-DMIS copies this value so that a measurement routine that is intended for use with a dual rotary table will work, regardless of the settings of the Rotary Table Setup dialog box.

If you save a V43R measurement routine into a V42R format, then one of the angles is lost. PC-DMIS looks at the Rotary Table Setup dialog box, and if dual rotary and the V table are selected, then the V angle is saved; otherwise, the W angle is saved. Thus, a measurement routine written for a dual rotary table can be exported to V42R if required.

If a measurement routine is written in V43R for use on a dual rotary with different W and V angles, and you need to export it to V42R, then you should export it to two separate measurement routines: