6 Point Alignment

The 6 Point Alignment allows you to perform an iterative 3D Best Fit alignment. The following steps outline a typical procedure that would be used to establish a 6 Point Alignment:

  1. Measure three points on the top surface to level to the Z Axis.

  2. Measure two points on the front surface to rotate to the X Axis.

  3. Finally, measure one point to define the origin for the Y axis.

  4. Click Finish. This establishes the correct origin for the alignment.

PC-DMIS inserts the Best Fit 3D Alignment. Following execution, PC-DMIS displays a 3D Alignment Best Fit Graphical Analysis in the Report window.

A Sample Best Fit Alignment Graphical Analysis

This graphical analysis of the 3D Best Fit alignment displays this information in the Report window:

Header: This contains various values used in the Best Fit alignment: Method, Standard Deviation, Mean, Translation offsets, Rotation offsets, Max iterations, Iterations.

Vertical Axis: This shows the amount of deviation after the alignment.

Horizontal Axis: This displays the IDs of the points used in the alignment.