Continuous Scanning with the MI.Probe

To use continuous scanning with the MI.Probe:

  1. Before you begin to measure a feature (Circle, Plane or Scan feature), press and hold the Right Thumb button on the MI.Probe for more than one second.

For details on the MI.Probe button assignments, see "MI.Probe Button Assignments" in the "Working with the MI.Probe" topic.

  1. Position the probe on the part or feature.

  2. Press the MI.Probe Trigger button to begin the scan. When you are done with the scan, press the Trigger button again.

  3. Press the right Thumb button to end the feature.

  4. Press the right Thumb button again for more than one second to exit scan mode.

Description of performing a continuous scan with the MI.Probe:

Example of an MI.Probe continuous scan measurement routine

For details on the Find nominals from CAD option, see "Probe Mode Toolbar" in the PC-DMIS Core documentation.

For details on the Features Use Dimension Colors option, see "Features Use Dimension Colors" in the PC-DMIS Core documentation.