Quick Start Interface for Trackers

The Quick Start interface is essentially the same for all devices, except for the Tracker device. For this device, the Quick Start interface has a Project check box. For all other details about Quick Start Interface, see the "Quick Start Interface" topic.

Project Check Box

The Project check box (the default setting is cleared) is available in Portable for Leica Trackers and the Leica TDRA6000 Total Station. This check box enables a projection to the FEATURE (plane) referenced by the selection from the Name drop-down list.

This check box is available only if the measurement task is set to POINT and if the Reference Feature list has Type set to FEATURE is active.

If the Project check box is cleared (the default setting), the software does not project the point but it instead compensates it with respect to the active compensation settings.

PC-DMIS was doing the same in versions earlier than v2012 if the software was installed for Leica TDRA (LeicaTPS interface setting) when measurement task was POINT and reference type was FEATURE. The Project check box in Portable now additionally enables projection of the point to the reference feature.