SMX Options tab

Machine Options dialog box - Options tab

Use the Options tab to execute various TCU (Tracker Control Unit) options and configure communication and other parameters. TCU options are also available as menu items.

TCU Options - This area allows you to execute the following options:

TCU Options are more readily available from the Tracker toolbar and menu.

IP Address - Specifies the IP address of your Laser Tracker controller (default

Update Interval - Specifies the time in milliseconds the system checks the levels and makes any updates.

Vector Interval -

Vector Distance - This defines the distance that you need to move the T-Probe/Reflector from the hit location before the software takes a "Pulled Hit".

Example showing vector distance and movement

"Pulled Hit" - Changes the vector to that of the line between the location where you first depress the hit button (at the "Normal Hit" location) to the location where you release the hit button. This line must be longer than the Use Vector Distance to successfully register a "Pulled Hit".

"Normal Hit" - A "Normal Hit" is taken when you press and release the hit button in the same location.

Vector Option - Choose one of these vector options:

Automatic Closure Window check box - When this check box is selected, the Closure window automatically opens when the reflector is very close to the home position (the nest).