SMX Reset tab

Machine Options dialog box - Reset tab

Home - This button allows you to aim the laser to the BirdBath position.

Machine or Part coord. - These options define the coordinate system to use. Select Machine if you are using machine coordinates or Part coord. if you are using part coordinates.

Aim - This button allows you to aim the laser to a point. Select a point from the Reset Point list and click the Aim button to move the laser to the specified point.

Add - This button opens the Point dialog box that you can use to add a point to the list above. From the Point dialog box, provide a Title and the XYZ values. Then click Create. The new point is added to the list. For example, you might have attached reflectors to positions on a car door. You could then name these positions Door1, Door2, Door3, etc.

Delete - This button removes a selected point from the list above.


Interferometer Only - This option allows you to use the interferometer laser for distance measurements. When starting or re-starting a measurement, it is typically initialized from the BirdBath.

Use Default Reset - This check box moves the Laser Tracker to the current Reset Point position.

Interferometer Set by ADM - This option allows you to use the interferometer laser for distance measurements. If the target gets lost by the Laser Tracker, the ADM laser finds it. Once the ADM laser locates and sets the distance to the target, the interferometer laser calculates all distance measurements.

ADM Only - This option lets the software calculate all distance measurements with the ADM laser. If the target gets lost by the Laser Tracker, the ADM laser finds it.

Set Default Reset - This button defines the selected point from the list as the default reset point. This is the point the laser points to if the beam is broken with your reflector.

Delay Before Positioning - You can use this box to type a value that the software uses to define the time in milliseconds before the laser tracker points to the next position.

Aim Laser To Next Point - Select this check box to allow the laser tracker to move to the next point after completion of the previous point.