Toggling the Laser and Probe Compensation

Laser Toggle (6dof devices only)

To toggle the laser on and off, use the Tracker | Laser On/Off menu item or toolbar icon. This allows you to preserve the laser's life-span (lasers last about 20,000 hours). There also may be time that you just don't want or need to have the laser on. The laser requires about 20 minutes to warm up before you begin to use it.

Once you turn the laser off, you must wait for 20 minutes when you turn it back on. You also need to reinitialize the Leica Tracker.

Probe Compensation Toggle

To determine whether probe compensation is applied for a measured point, use the Tracker | Probe Compensation On/Off menu item or toolbar icon. When this is "on", PC-DMIS compensates by the radius of the T-Probe tip or the reflector sphere. During bundle alignment creation, PC-DMIS automatically activates or deactivates probe compensation as needed when it measures points.