Setting Up Dynamic Inspection

You can use dynamic inspection to reduce measurement cycle time based on statistical analysis.

Measurement Process

To perform dynamic inspection, PC-DMIS follows this process:

  1. PC-DMIS executes a measurement routine to measures a part.

  2. PC-DMIS sends the results to Q-DAS.

  3. Q-DAS performs statistical analysis on the data and determines the characteristics required to be measured for the next part.

  4. Q-DAS updates the <RoutineName>.miniroutine.xml file, where <RoutineName> is the name of the measurement routine file name. This updates the mini-routine node selected for dynamic inspection, which includes the information of all the selected characteristics.

  5. Q-DAS informs you that you can now run the entire measurement routine or just the mini-routine for dynamic inspection. Based on the information received, for the next part, you must either run entire measurement routine or mini-routine.

To set up dynamic inspection, follow these steps:

  1. Create a measurement routine that is capable of Feature Based Measurement (FBM). To do this in PC-DMIS, you can use either the ClearanceCube or FBM option. Select the best option based on your part's complexity.

  2. To execute the measurement routine by selecting characteristics, you need to use mini-routines. Create a mini-routine with a unique name to use for dynamic inspection and then use the mini-routine to execute the measurement routine.

  3. Open Q-DAS Configurator (Operation | Q-DAS | Open Configurator).

  4. Create a K-field configuration file. You can use this configuration file to measure parts that require dynamic inspection.

  5. Select these K-fields for dynamic inspection:

  1. From the Value From list, select the property for each K-field:


To select groups instead of individual characteristic, select RUNTIME_XML file in the Value From column.

  1. Click Save.

You can use this configuration file in the Stats command of a measurement routine that requires dynamic inspection.