About the Blade Scan Command

You can use the Blade Scan command to scan blade sections as required by the PC-DMIS Blade Analysis software. The Blade Scan command enables you to measure blade sections in any order of convenience.

The Blade Scan command works with BladeRunner, which is airfoil measurement software that executes your Blade measurement routine in PC-DMIS.

Blade section

Blade section

Supported Blade Types

The Blade Scan command supports the following types of blades:

The Blade Scan command does not support Blisk.


The Blade Scan command requires the following:

LSPX1, LSPX3, SP25, and SP600

Recommended Blade Position

You can position the blade on the fixture so that:

Probe Tips for Blade Sections

You may need to use different tips for different blade sections. To do this, you need to create two Blade Scan commands with a TIP/ command between them. The first Blade Scan command enables those sections that can be scanned by the first tip. In the second Blade Scan command, enable the sections that can be measured by the second tip.

Additional Information

<Command Name>.ITEM[<Section Name>]

<Command Name> is the Blade Scan Command name, and <Section Name> is the section name.

For example: