Append Mode

In Append Mode, you can append data from multiple executions of a measurement routine into a single file. To do this, the Report Settings dialog box must define the same file name for each execution. You can use the options on that dialog box in the Name lists to create the file name. If a file with the same name exists, PC-DMIS appends the measured data at the end of the existing file.

Depending on the template’s orientation, PC-DMIS adds the dimension for each measurement execution as a row or column in a continuous sequence at the end of an existing file.

PC-DMIS adds the measured values to the measurement result's row or column.

Example of measured value data appended in multiple columns for each execution

To do this, you need to associate the Measured Value field under the Dimension group with the required cells in the template.

  1. To associate multiple cells with a Measured Value field, follow these steps:

There are two ways to select multiple consecutive cells in a row or column:

Method 1

Hold down Shift and click the first cell in a row or column. Continue to hold Shift and click the last cell in the row or column.

Method 2

Click the first cell to select it. Then drag the pointer over the cells in the same row or column to multi-select them.

To select multiple non-consecutive cells, hold down Ctrl and click the cells. Click a selected cell again to unselect it.

  1. Drag the Measured Value field under the Dimension group to the selected cells.

This procedure associates the Measured Value field with the required cells.

PC-DMIS decides whether to append the measure data at the end of the existing file, or add the measured values in multiple columns based on the association of fields in a template.

Your template defines a limited number of rows and columns runs to store data from you measurement results. If PC-DMIS cannot append to a report file because all the defined rows or columns in the file are full, it displays a message that the report is full.

For example, if your template has only five rows or columns, the excel report can store data for up to only five runs. On the 6th run, PC-DMIS would display the error message.

To get around this and record the data from runs that exceed the defined rows or columns, do one of the following:

Make sure that the command uses the same Excel template for all runs. Also, make sure that the data area in the template contains the {PCD ID} and {Measured Value} fields. The number of {Measured Value} fields in the data area determines the number of runs.