Using a Single uEye Camera to Create Multiple "Virtual" Cameras

PC-DMIS Vision supports IDS uEye cameras. With this type of camera, you can define multiple camera configurations which PC-DMIS then treats as virtual cameras. One possible application of this capability is to create a full field of view (FOV) and a zoomed-in view. This would then emulate a dual camera/dual optics hardware configuration using a single camera and optics hardware structure.

You can specify and use up to nine uEye INI files to create the desired configuration of virtual cameras.

The presence of an underscore followed by a number at the end of the frame grabber configuration file name indicates the use of multiple camera configurations. The number specifies the number of camera configurations, and thus the camera configuration files to use. For example, if you have an INI file name of c:\IDS_2.ini, it causes PC-DMIS to use c:\IDS_1.ini and c:\IDS_2.ini configuration files to create two virtual cameras.

When you define probe tips in PC-DMIS, you can specify which virtual camera to use just like you would specify multiple physical cameras. To do this, select the Edit button for the specified tip in the Probe Utilities dialog box.