Define a Plane

First, you need to select a plane feature. To do this, you need to take three or more hits on the top surface of the CAD model. This example uses three hits.

Measure a Plane

Red arrow bases show three hit locations on the part's surface

  1. Before you take hits, verify that PC-DMIS is set to Program Mode. To do this, from the Graphic Modes toolbar, select the Program Mode button ().

  2. In the Graphic Display window, in the top view, click on the top surface of the part to register a hit. This is the first hit.

  3. As you take hits, PC-DMIS stores them inside of a hit buffer. If you take a bad hit, press Alt + - (minus) on your keyboard to delete it from the hit buffer. You can then retake the hit.

  4. After the final hit, press the End key to create a plane feature from the hits.

PC-DMIS displays a feature ID (PLN1) and a triangle in the Graphic Display window. The triangle in the Graphic Display window indicates your measured plane feature.

The images below, and the other images for the other alignment features intentionally do not show the CAD model. This is so you can more easily see what PC-DMIS inserts into the Graphic Display window when you create these features.

A - Plane feature in the Z+ view

B - Plane feature in Y- view

PC-DMIS also inserts a FEAT/PLANE command in the Edit window.