How the MSE Works

(This topic applies to the Measurement Strategy Editor also known as the MSE for short.)

You can use the MSE to modify the settings for all Auto feature and then store them as strategies and custom groups. Strategies are specific to each feature. Groups contain any modified settings for all the features.

The MSE saves the settings for each custom group in text files. These text files use the XML format. Each text file has the group name as its name with an .msexml filename extension. Whenever you delete a group, PC-DMIS deletes the corresponding .msexml file.

PC-DMIS stores these files in the C:\ProgramData\Hexagon\PC-DMIS\2023.2 folder.

When you set a group of settings as the default (and at other times discussed in "About Default Settings" below), the MSE writes those settings into the JSON file for PC-DMIS Auto features to use.

When you create Auto features, PC-DMIS takes into account the current probe mode (DCC or Manual) and the current sensor type (Touch-trigger or Analog). It then uses the appropriate settings for that mode or type. For example, a circle feature that you insert after a DCC mode command can have a different number of hits than one that you insert after a Manual mode command.

Touch-trigger and Analog probes only work in DCC mode. Scan strategies only work in DCC mode.

The MSE does not yet manage laser and vision settings.