Load Probe

LOADPROBE/<probe name>

In the Load Probe command, <probe name> represents a user editable field that allows you to load a file of qualified probe tips to be used within the measurement routine. For example, LOADPROBE/TESASTAR loads a probe named TESASTAR.

You can only load probe files made in valid versions of PC-DMIS. For this version of PC-DMIS, if you attempt to load a probe file created before PC-DMIS version 2018 R1, PC-DMIS shows an error message.

Example error message when you try to load an invalid probe file:

PC-DMIS Message

PC-DMIS cannot read this probe file <probe file>. This happens because of these reasons: It may be corrupt. It may come from a newer version. It may come from an unsupported earlier version. The earliest supported version is 2018 R1.

Where <probe file> is the name and location of the file you are trying to open.