Step 5 - Take the Manual Hits

PC-DMIS moves you through the process of measuring the manual hits through a series of message boxes. The number of hits depends on how many ports the probe changer has. For the full calibration, the software requires a single manual hit on the front surface on the left side of each port starting with the last port and ending with the first port. When you complete the manual hits on the front surface of the left side of each port, the software prompts for a final hit on the top of port 1.

If your probe changer has three ports, the prompt for the first hit is:

PC-DMIS Message

Take a hit on the front surface of the left side of port 3.
It should be taken near the top and
near the side but avoid any tapered corner.

  1. When you are ready to begin, click OK.

  2. Use your machine's jog box to take each manual hit in the location that the software prompts you.

When you complete all the front surface, left side hits, PC-DMIS prompts you one last time to take a top hit on the left side of the first port:

PC-DMIS Message

Take a hit on the top surface on the left side of port 1.
It should be taken near the top and
near the side but avoid any tapered corner.

After completing the hit, DCC motion will begin
for the rest of the measurement.

WARNING: When you do this, the machine moves. To avoid injury, stay clear of the machine. To avoid hardware damage, run the machine at a slower speed.

In the next step, you review the calibration results.