Dimensioning a Variable Example

Suppose that you have these variables and you want to create a Location dimension using them:







For ease of use, this example gives the variables constant values. In real life application, your variables will most likely have dynamic values that change based on user input or from other external sources.

To dimension these variables:

  1. Select the Insert | Feature | Generic menu option to open Construct Generic Feature dialog box.

  2. Select the Point option.

  3. Select the Measured Values option and type zero values into the X, Y, and Z boxes, then select Nominal Values and do the same thing.

  4. Click OK. PC-DMIS inserts an empty Generic Feature (usually labeled F1 if it's your first Generic Feature) into the Edit window.

  5. Place the Edit window in Command mode to see the generic feature:

  1. Now, navigate to the line NOM/XYZ, and in the first three zero fields, type V_THEOX, V_THEOY, and V_THEOZ respectively. These are your nominal variables.

  2. Do the same thing on the MEAS/XYZ line, except type V_MEASX, V_MEASY, and V_MEASZ into the three zero fields of that line. Your command should now look like this:

  1. Press F3 to mark the Generic Feature.

  2. Create a Location dimension using this feature. Give it a plus and minus tolerance of .02.

  3. Execute the measurement routine.

You should get a dimension that looks something like this in your report: