Displaying Surface Profile Contour Plots

PC-DMIS allows you to display a colored surface contour plot that rests on the surface of the CAD model in the Graphic Display window when you use Patch scans or UV scans, and create a profile dimension from them.

To do this:

  1. Import a solid CAD model.

  2. Access the View Setup dialog box (Edit | Graphic Display Window | View Setup).

  3. Click the Solid check box for one of your views and then close the dialog box.

  4. Place PC-DMIS in Surface mode.

  5. Create a Patch or UV scan (see "Performing a Patch Advanced Scan" or "Performing a UV Advanced Scan" in the "Scanning Your Part" chapter).

  6. Select the Insert | Report Command | Analysis menu option. The Analysis dialog box appears.

  7. Click View Window and then select Options | Analysis Options. The Graphical Analysis dialog box opens with the Analysis Options tab selected.

  8. Select the Show Contour Plot option, click OK until you return to the main PC-DMIS screen.

  9. Access the Surface Profile dialog box (Insert | Dimension | Profile | Surface).

  10. Select the Patch or UV scan from the Feature List box.

  11. Select the Graphical check box from the Analysis area.

  12. Make any other desired changes to the Surface Profile dialog box.

  13. Click Create to generate the dimension.

You will notice that PC-DMIS places a colored contour plot directly onto the model surface where the scan was.