To Dimension the Angle Between Two Features:

  1. Select Insert | Dimension | Angle from the submenu. The Angle dialog box appears.

  2. Select the feature or features to dimension from the Feature List box.

  3. Type the plus tolerance value in the Plus box.

  4. Type the minus tolerance value in the Minus box.

  5. Type the nominal angle in the Nominal box.

  6. Select either the 2 Dimensional or 3 Dimensional option in order to specify the angle type.

  7. Select where to output the dimension information. Select the Statistics, Report, Both, or None option.

  8. Select the To Feature, To X Axis , To Y Axis, or To Z Axis option to determine the relationship that defines the angle.

  9. To change the sign of the angle and direction of the calculation, select the From option.

  10. To switch to the supplemental angle (180 degrees - angle), mark the Supplemental Angle check box.

  11. If you don't use a CAD model, and you have not set the theoretical vectors of the feature, you may need to edit the nominal angle.

  12. Select the desired analysis options by selecting the Textual check box or the Graphical check box. If the Graphical check box was selected, type the multiplier value in the Multiplier box.

  13. If desired, select the Display check box in the Dimension Info area and click Edit to select the Dimension Info Format you would like displayed in the Graphic Display window.

  14. Click the Create button.

The dimension will appear in the Edit window with this information:

dimension_name = 2D_ANGLE,FROM feat_1,TO feat_2,


dimension_name = 3D_ANGLE,FROM feat_1,TO feat_2



















Editing Degrees, Minutes, and Seconds Values

When manually editing the Angle's nominal or tolerance value in the Edit window, and the angle value is displayed in Degrees, Minutes, and Seconds, you need to type a comma between each value. For example, if you wanted 100°33'51" as your Nominal angle value, you would need to type 100,33,51 in the Nominal field and then press the Tab key for PC-DMIS to accept that value.

To determine whether or not PC-DMIS displays Angle in Degrees, Minutes, and Seconds, use the AngleDegMinSec entry in the Option section of the PC-DMIS Settings Editor. A value of 1 uses this format, while 0 uses the standard decimal value format.