Troubleshooting Error Messages and Warnings

PC-DMIS helps you to properly create your geometric tolerance command by providing many error messages and warnings. These messages may help you understand problems with your measurement routine. This topic provides additional details on many of these messages.

Message Description Solution

Warning: 2D primary datums do not constrain orientation so the datum feature's view will be used as an implied primary datum.

This is a warning message and not an error.

Circles, lines, and 2D widths are 2D features, and are not able to constrain the orientation sufficiently. They are not recommended as primary datums.

When you use a 2D feature as a primary datum, PC-DMIS levels to the view of the primary datum. In other words, the view becomes an implicit primary datum, and the specified primary datum becomes a secondary datum.

For more information, see "How PC-DMIS Solves and Uses Datums".

You can continue to use geometric tolerances normally with this warning message. However, we recommend that you use a 3D primary datum instead, such as a plane, cylinder, 3D width, or sphere.

Warning: this type of constructed point does not have surface information. Therefore, it is treated similarly to the center of a sphere. Please use caution to ensure the results represent the specification.

This is a warning message and not an error.

This warning is visible during these conditions:

  • When the constructed point is treated as a surfaceless 3D point.

  • When the point is used as a datum or as a considered feature.

As discussed in "Structuring your Measurement Routine for Geometric Tolerances", in most cases we do not recommend using surfaceless 3D points, because you are taking over phases 2 and 3 of the conceptual evaluation process.

If you do so, it is your responsibility to construct the feature according to appropriate standards. Because the point is treated like a sphere center, it is easy to get undesired behavior.

(More Info)

You can continue to use geometric tolerances normally with this warning message. However, in most cases we recommend that you use a feature that preserves the surface information. This way the geometric tolerance command can guarantee compliance to the applicable standard.

Warning: simultaneous profile of a line tolerances are treated the same as profile of a surface.

This is a warning message and not an error.

Profile of a line tolerances have a different meaning than profile of a surface tolerances, and it doesn't make sense (strictly speaking) to consider profile of a line tolerances simultaneously. For more information, see "Profile of a Line".

However, PC-DMIS permits profile of a line tolerances to be included in simultaneous tolerances. It does this by treating them the same as profile of a surface.

You can continue to use geometric tolerances normally with this warning message. However, in most cases we recommend the following:

  • When cross sections are considered individually, use profile of a line specifications.

  • When several profile tolerances need to be considered simultaneously, use profile of a surface.

Warning: the [DF] modifier does not exist in ISO 5459:2011. The [DF] modifier (distance fixed) adds a location constraint to the datum. No [DF] modifier removes the location constraint.

This is a warning message and not an error.

The [DF] modifier is not standardized as described in "Modifiers_for_Datums". However, it is functionally necessary in certain kinds of datum reference frames, and so PC-DMIS permits using this non-standardized modifier. For more details about how [DF] behaves, please refer to "Modifiers_for_Datums".

You can continue to use geometric tolerances normally with this warning message. However, in most cases we recommend that you do the following:

  • Contact your country's representatives to the ISO TC/213 family of standards, letting them know you need the [DF] modifier to be standardized in ISO 5459.

  • Verify that the functionality achieved with the [DF] modifier satisfies your functional needs.

Composite position specifications require more than one feature.

Composite position specifications are intended to control the location of a pattern to itself. It doesn't make sense to specify composite position of a single feature.

We suggest that you either:

  • Ensure your composite position specification includes at least two features.

  • Change your composite position specification to be two separate position specifications.

  • Or replace the lower segment of the composite position specification with an orientation specification instead, because the lower segments of composite position specifications do not have location constraints to the datum reference frame.

Simultaneous profile of a line tolerances without any datums are not supported.

As discussed in "Profile of a Line", it doesn't make sense (strictly speaking) to include profile of a line tolerances in simultaneous tolerance commands. If there are no datums referenced, then it makes even less sense because there are no datums or workplanes that you can select to control the orientation of the cross sections. Therefore, profile of a line specifications, without any datums inside simultaneous tolerance commands, are not supported.

We suggest that you either:

  • Change your profile of a line specification to be profile of a surface.

  • Or ensure that your profile of a line specifications are not considered simultaneously.

Datum feature <feature name> is 2D. It needs a higher-precedence datum to constrain its workplane.

Case 1: As discussed in "How PC-DMIS Solves and Uses Datums", some feature types are 2D, and their workplane needs to be constrained higher-precedence datums.

Case 2: Sometimes this error occurs because a constructed 3D BFRE line was used as a secondary datum. It is very common for the THEO line vector of these lines to be non-parallel to the primary datum plane. This means that the nominal workplane of the line is not parallel to the primary datum plane, and so the primary datum plane does not constrain the workplane of the secondary datum line.

For Case 1, the two most common solutions to this problem are:

(1) measure the datum feature as a 3D feature, and (2) use one or more higher-precedence datums to constrain the datum feature's workplane.

For Case 2, change the constructed 3D BFRE line to be a constructed 2D BFRE line, so that the nominal workplane of the line is parallel to the primary datum plane.

Feature <feature name> has too few points to fit uniquely.

This error indicates that the considered feature doesn't have enough points for a unique fitted shape. For example, PC-DMIS cannot uniquely fit a cylinder with only four surface points.

Features with less than the absolute minimum number of points produce this error.

(More Info)

Increase the number of points measured.

Datum <datum reference> has too few points to fit uniquely.

The most common way to get this error is when the surface points of the feature are not placed in a way that constrain any degrees of freedom.

(More Info)

Measure the datum feature as a full 3D feature (plane, cylinder, cone, sphere, 3D width, and so on) instead of as a 2D or 1D feature (surface line, surface circle, 2D width, surface point, 1D width).

If that is not possible, ensure that the datum feature and its surface points actually do constrain the necessary degrees of freedom.

Freeform feature(s) need(s) points in more places to fit uniquely.

You get this error when the geometric tolerance command cannot determine the degrees of freedom that are optimizable for the freeform considered features, subject to the datum reference frame.

To know those feature command types that are considered freeform, see the "Feature Types With and Without Surface Data" topic.

One of the ways you can get this error is if you don't measure enough of the full surface to help the geometric tolerance command understand the surface. Perhaps you only measured a single point on the surface, or only one cross section.

Another way you can get this error is when the nominal vectors of your measured points are not theoretically correct. For example, if you measure a plane, but the nominal vectors are not exactly planar. In this case, the geometric tolerance command thinks the surface isn't quite planar, but it won't be able to tell whether the surface is cylindrical, spherical, conical, or complex.

A third way you can get this error is when the nominal surface is almost symmetric in some way, but not quite. For example, perhaps it is almost planar, or almost cylindrical. In these cases, the geometric tolerance command cannot determine the optimal degrees of freedom.

You can fix the error in these ways:

  • Sample more of the surface. For example, if you measured only in one cross section, measure in more than one cross section.

  • Make sure all of the nominal vectors of your measured points are exactly correct.

  • If the nominal surface is almost symmetric, such that the degrees of freedom are unclear, constrain the uncertain degrees of freedom with additional datums in the datum reference frame.

Profile of a line tolerances need their workplane defined by the datum reference frame.

Profile of a line tolerances have 2D considered features. Their workplane needs to be constrained by the datum reference frame.

If you have one or more datums referenced, ensure that the datum reference frame constrains the workplane of the 2D considered features.

If you don't have any datums referenced, ensure that the chosen workplane (under the Reporting tab in the dialog box) matches the 2D considered features' workplane.

This tolerance requires the data to be measured in circular cross sections.

Some tolerances, such as circularity of a cylinder, or the CIRCULAR_ELEMENTS local size interpretation, need their data to be measured in circular cross sections.

Re-measure the considered feature so that the data is arranged in circles.

You may find a measurement strategy helpful, but you do not have to use one.

This local size tolerance requires the data to be measured in circular cross sections. To Fix this either measure the feature using circular cross sections or turn off local size in the Report tab

When reporting position, the orientation and runout of some local size tolerances (such as ASME CIRCULAR_ELEMENTS) require that you measure the data in circular cross sections.

Turn off local size (if not required) or re-measure the considered feature so the data is arranged in circular cross sections.

The tolerance needs at least one datum.

Several tolerances, such as perpendicularity, require at least one datum.

Add a primary datum to the tolerance.

A multi-feature datum cannot mix features with surface data and features without surface data.

Multi-feature datums include datum patterns and common datums. They must all either have surface data or all lack surface data.

For information on feature command types that have and do not have surface data, see "Feature Types With and Without Surface Data".

Choose datums that all have surface data or choose datums that do not have any surface data.

Features' orientation must be compatible with their polar tolerance zones.

Polar tolerances zones include radial-arc tolerance zones and perpendicular-to-radial tolerance zones. The considered features must be nominally parallel to the polar axis defined by the datum reference frame.

Ensure that all of your considered features are nominally parallel to the polar axis, or stop using polar tolerance zones.

Features with polar tolerance zones may not center on the polar origin.

Polar tolerances zones include radial-arc tolerance zones and perpendicular-to-radial tolerance zones.

The considered features must not be coaxial with the polar axis.

If you have a considered feature that is coaxial with the datum axis, you typically need to use a diametric tolerance zone instead of a polar tolerance zone.

The datum reference frame must define a clear polar origin.

Polar tolerances zones include radial-arc tolerance zones and perpendicular-to-radial tolerance zones. They only make sense when the datum reference frame defines a clear polar axis.

Ensure the datum reference frame defines a clear polar axis.

Multi-feature datums at RMB must have surface data.

Multi-feature datums include datum patterns and common datums. If the multi-feature datum does not have a material modifier, then the datum features must have surface data.

Re-measure the datum features so they have surface data.

For perpendicularity tolerances, the nominal considered features must be perpendicular to the primary nominal datum.

The most common cause of this error is incorrect THEO values in the considered features and/or datum features.

Ensure that the considered features are nominally perpendicular to the primary datum.

For parallelism tolerances, the nominal considered features must be parallel to the primary nominal datum.

The most common cause of this error is incorrect THEO values in the considered features and/or datum features.

Ensure that the considered features are nominally parallel to the primary datum.

The orientation of a planar tolerance zone must be fully defined by the datum reference frame.

You get this error with planar tolerance zones on axial features such as cylinders, cones, and circles.

Specifically, when the datum reference frame doesn't constrain the orientation of the tolerance zone, the actual value is not well defined.

You can fix the error in these ways:

  • Ensure that the datum reference frame fully constrains the orientation of the tolerance zone.

  • Use a diametric tolerance zone.

These simultaneous tolerances must use the DEFAULT tolerance zone math type.

You get this error when all these conditions are met:

  • You have multiple profile tolerances.

  • No datums belong to a simultaneous tolerance command.

  • The profile tolerances have different tolerance zone math types.

Set all the profile tolerance zone math types to DEFAULT.

Datums at RMB without surface data that follow datums at MMB or LMB are not supported.

The geometric tolerance command does allow datums without a material modifier to follow datums that have a material modifier. However, the no-material-modifier datum must have surface data.

Re-measure the lower-precedence datum so it has surface data.

When a tolerance specifies more than one considered feature, all the features must be pattern compatible. This means they must have the same type of shape, the same nominal size, and the same inner/outer.

When there are multiple considered features, they must be identical, except for having different locations and orientations. So, for example, cylinders must be all inner or all outer, and they must all have the same nominal size.

Use separate geometric tolerance commands for features that are not identical. If necessary, use a simultaneous tolerance command to consider all the features simultaneously.

Feature is used twice in fundamentally different ways, where the nominal shape (or lack thereof) must be considered differently in the two contexts.

This is a very unusual error. The most common way to get this error is with a simultaneous position and profile of a slot, notch, or ellipse:

  • Position treats the feature as a circle without surface data.

  • Profile treats the feature as a freeform feature with surface data.

The error occurs because the simultaneous tolerance needs to treat the same feature two different ways at the same time.

You can fix the error in these ways:

  • Use only profile and not position to control the position of the slot.

  • Create a cast circle or generic circle from your slot, notch, or ellipse, and do simultaneous position of the cast circle with the profile of the slot.

Simultaneous tolerances must have identical datum reference frames.

This error occurs if geometric tolerances in your simultaneous tolerance have different reference frames; or the datums in those tolerances are not identical, are out of order, or use different modifiers.

Ensure that all geometric tolerances in your simultaneous tolerance command have identical datum reference frames. The datums must be the same, in the same order, with the same modifiers.

Simultaneous tolerances must be position or profile tolerances.

You get this error if you aren't using the correct geometric tolerances for the simultaneous tolerance.

Ensure all geometric tolerances in your simultaneous tolerance command are either position or profile tolerances.

Multi-feature datum error. This error may occur from incorrect nominals (X, Y, Z or I, J, K vectors) or an unsupported combination of features.

You get this error when you try to reference an unsupported combination of features as a common datum.

Review the table of supported feature combinations and general guidelines for common datums. Also, check the feature nominals for the multi-feature datum in question and make any corrections needed.

Specification requires a fully constrained tolerance zone.

Some tolerances, such as symmetry and concentricity, require that the tolerance zone is fully constrained by the datum reference frame.

Ensure that the datum reference frame fully constrains the tolerance zone.

Translation modifier is invalid because the datum does not have any translation degrees of freedom that could be unlocked.

There are many circumstances where the geometric tolerance command allows you to put a translation modifier on a datum where it does not make sense.

Remove the translation modifier from the datum.

Datum is invalid because it constrains no degrees of freedom.

If your secondary or tertiary datum constrains no degrees of freedom, this error occurs. Most likely, this either means (a) your print is wrong, or (b) there is a mistake in your measurement routine.

If this error happens after migration, one of the common reasons for the error is due to improper use of 3D best fit constructed lines. For more information, see "3D Best Fit Constructed Lines" in "Migration from XactMeasure".

If this error happens with a new geometric tolerance, double-check your print and your feature types. Pay special attention to best fit lines, as discussed in Feature Types With and Without Surface Data.

If this error happens after migration, see also "3D Best Fit Constructed Lines" in "Migration from XactMeasure" for solutions.

Runout tolerances require features that are concentric with the datum reference frame.


Ensure that all considered features are nominally concentric with the datum reference frame.

Too many points for this type of calculation.

This error occurs when using a DEFAULT math option with too many points. It can happen due to the feature math option, the datum math option, or the tolerance zone math option. The cutoff for how many points is "too many" is several tens of thousands of points.

You can fix the error in these ways:

  • Use only a few thousand points.

  • Use the LSQ math option.

Concentricity tolerances require input features that are concentric with the datum reference frame.


Ensure all considered features are nominally concentric with the datum reference frame.

Symmetry tolerances require input features that are symmetric with the datum reference frame.


Ensure all considered features are nominally symmetric with the datum reference frame.

Invalid per-unit extent.


Ensure that the per-unit length and/or per-unit width is correct.

There is insufficient point density for the per-unit tolerance.


Re-measure the considered feature with increased point density.

The datum customization is invalid.

The geometric tolerance command allows customized ASME datum reference frames. This error occurs when the customization does not make sense mathematically. It is very common to make mistakes with customized DRFs, and that can result in this error.

You can fix the error in these ways:

  • Stop using datum customization.

  • For every datum in the datum reference frame, ensure that the customization results in a unique and fully-defined invariant.

Circles used to calculate the extracted median line must include at least 90 degrees of arc.

As discussed in "Deriving the Toleranced Feature", several ISO geometric tolerances use the extracted median line as the toleranced feature. All circular cross sections must have at least 90 degrees of arc.

This error can also happen with straightness of an axis (either ASME or ISO). As discussed in the "Straightness" topic, straightness of an axis requires that you measure the surface data in circular cross sections. If any of the cross sections have less than 90 degrees of arc, PC-DMIS shows this error message.

Ensure that every circular cross section in your considered feature contains at least 90 degrees of arc.

When using a sample plane, it must be nominally orthogonal to the considered feature.


Ensure that the feature's sample plane is nominally perpendicular to the considered feature's axis. For information about how the sample plane is defined, see "Deriving the Toleranced Feature".

Feature <feature name> and its child features are out of synchronization. Please re-execute to re-synchronize them.

If you change a feature's measurement strategy, or if you change the number of rows in the measurement strategy, the feature can get out of synchronization with its child features, until the feature has been executed.

Execute the feature.

Segment <segment number> contains an invalid datum reference frame for the lower segment of a composite tolerance.

As discussed in "Position", "Profile of a Line", and "Profile of a Surface", lower segments of composite tolerances have strict rules to govern their datum reference frame.

Ensure that all lower segments' datum reference frames comply with the rules.

Datums referenced at MMB/LMB must have been previously toleranced at MMC/LMC to their higher precedence datums. Where no such tolerance is found, zero at MMC/LMC will be applied.

This is a warning to alert you that you should have already created the applicable Geometric Tolerance command(s) for any datum feature(s) with a material condition modifier. If you have not created the applicable Geometric Tolerances for the referenced datum with a material condition modifier, PC-DMIS uses a Geometric Tolerance of 0.0 MMC to determine the MMB/LMB (Maximum/Least Material Boundary) value.

You can continue to use geometric tolerances normally with this warning message. You should, however, check the drawing and ensure your routine already includes all Geometric Tolerances relating to the datum features.

See the "Datum Reference Messages" section of the "How PC-DMIS Solves and Uses Datums" topic for more details.

Geometric tolerance calculation failed.

This indicates some internal problem in the calculation.

Please file a request to open a support ticket with Hexagon Technical Support (

With your ticket request, provide the following information:

  • Steps to duplicate the error message

  • Your measurement routine (.prg file)

  • Your CAD model (.cad file)

  • Supply a copy of the drawing and call-out you're trying to verify

  • Any probe files used (.prb files)

  • The debug file