Pointcloud Display Area

The Pointcloud Display section allows you to select the display setting during a scan. You can choose to show the pointcloud as points or as a mesh display. If you select the Mesh option for scanning, it may allow you to easily see areas which need more data coverage.

You can click the Collapse button to hide sections of the Laser Data Collection Settings dialog box or click the Expand button to display hidden sections of the dialog box.

The Mesh option is only available for Portable systems which have the Mesh license.

Points - This option displays the pointcloud as a set of points.

Mesh - This option shows the laser pointcloud data as a mesh and is only available for Portable systems. You must use the Line Filter when scanning with the Mesh display.

During the scan, PC-DMIS shows the active scan pass as a pointcloud. When the software completes the scan pass, it displays the scan as a mesh. The mesh display is a temporary graphical rendering only.

If you modify the pointcloud (for example, if you perform a Select, Clean or Filter operation), or if you close and then reopen the measurement routine, the mesh display is lost and PC-DMIS displays the data as a pointcloud.

After a scan with the Mesh display option, you can choose to keep only the pointcloud, or you can create a mesh data object. If you choose to create a mesh data object, the software also keeps the original pointcloud.

Example showing the active (1) and prior (2) scan passes

The mesh display is relative to the orientation of the laser sensor. While scanning, if the laser sensor orientation changes more than 25 degrees in a single scan pass, the software meshes the collected data and automatically creates a new scan.

The Max Triangle Size and Grid Size values define the settings for the displayed mesh while scanning.

If you modify the pointcloud (for example, if you perform a Select, Clean or Filter operation), or if you close and then reopen the measurement routine, the mesh display is lost and PC-DMIS displays the data as a pointcloud.


Example Workflow: Scan as Mesh Display

  1. Select a mesh profile from the Portable Scanning Widget.

You can also create your own custom mesh profile. For details, see the "Profiles Section" in this documentation.

  1. Scan the part. PC-DMIS displays the COP as a Mesh, but the data is a Pointcloud.

The Mesh display is a temporary graphical rendering. For details on graphical representation of the pointcloud, see "Pointcloud Graphical Representation" in this documentation.

Example of the pointcloud displayed as a Mesh

The next step to create the Mesh object is optional. If you stop at step 2, all the scanned data is a pointcloud.

  1. OPTIONAL: Create the Mesh. PC-DMIS uses the Max Triangle Size, Grid Size, and Finalize Mode options to reduce, smooth, and, if you select the Remove Overlap check box, remove the overlap. It then computes the final Mesh object.

Your measurement routine contains both the original scanned pointcloud (COP) and the Mesh data objects.


Profiles Section

Data Filtering Area

Inserting a Laser Scan Profile

Exclusion Plane Section