Step 2: Set the Work Offset

  1. Use the Operation | CNC Programming | Use Work Offset menu item to set the work offset for the part that you want to measure into the NC controller.

Select CNC Work Offset dialog box

  1. Note its number. PC-DMIS NC supports standard work offset registers (for example, G54-G59 for Fanuc-style controls). The objective is to match up the initial PC-DMIS NC alignment with a work offset.

Include External Work Offset

In the case of Fanuc controllers, this includes the value of G53 X, Y, and Z as the total offset.

If G53 contains 100, 200, 300 mm and G54, 1P21 contains 1, 2, 3 mm, the total offset used to compute the location of the part in machine coordinates is 101, 202, 303 mm. This location would be used with the Rotary Table center definition in PC-DMIS NC to compute the location of the part when the table(s) are rotated.

This way of working puts the rotary table center at 0 (zero). The standard work offsets (G54, G55, etc.) define an offset from this effective zero. The returned work offset for the part (using the numbers above) is 1, 2, 3 mm.

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