
PC-DMIS 2020 R2 introduced the Geometric Tolerances functionality. When you open a measurement routine from a version before 2020 R2, any XactMeasure commands get converted to Geometic Tolerance commands. Geometric Tolerance commands are not backward compatible. This makes your measurement routine incompatible with earlier versions of PC-DMIS.

This entry determines whether PC-DMIS should perform a migration backup of your measurement routine when you open a routine that was originally saved to a version prior to 2020 R2 in the current version.

If this entry is TRUE, PC-DMIS makes a backup copy of any measurement routine that you open that has a schema version before 2020 R2. It stores the copy in this folder:


If FALSE, PC-DMIS does not make a backup copy.

Never open measurement routines from this backup folder. If you do, the measurement routine may no longer be usable in versions prior to 2020 R2. To ensure that you that you can use measurement routines in versions of PC-DMIS earlier than version 2020 R2 from this backup location, copy them to another folder first.

Entry Name: MigrationBackup

Entry Type: TRUE or FALSE boolean value that indicates whether or not to perform the migration backup. The default value is TRUE.

For more information on migration from XactMeasure commands, see "Migration from XactMeasure" in the PC-DMIS Core documentation.