This entry determines whether PC-DMIS only uses defined tips to measure features. If PC-DMIS cannot find an appropriate tip, then it assigns a tip of T?A?B? to that feature in the measurement routine. It then adds this feature to the Features without tips in panel 3 of the Optimize Path dialog box after the optimize path process finishes. For more information on this area of the Optimize Path dialog box, see "The Optimize Path Workflow Dialog Box - Panel 3".
If the value of this entry is 1 (TRUE), PC-DMIS only uses defined tips. This also sets the Use only defined tips switch in the Advanced section of the Optimize Path dialog box to On.
If the value of this entry is the default value of 0 (FALSE), PC-DMIS uses undefined tips. Prior to execution, PC-DMIS requires that you calibrate any undefined tips. This also sets the Use only defined tips switch in the Advanced section of the Optimize Path dialog box to Off.
Entry Name: OnlyDefinedTips
Entry Type: Whole Number to specify if PC-DMIS uses only defined tips when it performs an optimize path process when this setting is set to 1 (TRUE). When set to the default value of 0 (FALSE), PC-DMIS uses undefined tips.