Understanding the basic functionality of the Probe Readout is essential for use with gages, because measurement results are displayed in the Probe Readout.
You can open the Probe Readout by doing one of the following:
Press Ctrl + W.
From the PositionProbe tab of the Probe Toolbox dialog box, select Probe Readouts .
Select the View | Other Windows | Probe Readouts menu item.
Understanding the Probe Readout Window
Probe Readout window
XYZ is the location of the FOV center in relation to the current alignment origin.
VX, VY, and VZ are the locations of the gage to the current alignment origin. If the gage is centered within the Field of View (FOV), then the XYZ and VX, VY, and VZ values will be the same. Use the left mouse button to independently drag the gage to the needed position.
DX, DY, and DZ are used with gages to display relative distances. These values are independent from the currently alignment origin and can be independently zeroed using the Zero Readouts DXYZ button () in the Probe Toolbox. If the Probe Toolbox is closed, you can right-click in the window and click Zero Readouts DXYZ from the pop-up menu.
For the gage examples given in this chapter, modify the Probe Readout as follows:
Right-click in the Probe Readout window and click Setup from the pop-up menu.
Mark the following options:
Probe position
Show current probe position on screen
Distance to target
To independently zero the DX, DY, and DZ values when a gage is active, select the Zero Readouts DXYZ option.
Press OK to save and exit.