To create a vision Ellipse, follow these steps:
For machines that support DCC motion, select
DCC Mode if you want
to create and measure ellipses in DCC mode.
Select Auto Ellipse
from the Auto Feature toolbar. You can also select the
Insert | Feature | Auto | Ellipse menu option.
This opens the Auto Feature (ellipse) dialog
Vision Ellipse Auto Feature dialog box
With the Auto Feature dialog box open, select an ellipse in one of two ways:
CAD Selection Method - From the CAD tab, click once near the edge of the ellipse on the CAD surface to establish the ellipse's location.
Target Selection Method - From the Vision tab, click to add five points around the ellipse, or double-click to automatically add five points equally spaced around the visible ellipse. This establishes the ellipse's location. Adjust the lighting and magnification as needed.
Click as close as possible to the CAD element to ensure PC-DMIS does not choose an incorrect element.
PC-DMIS Vision automatically places the nominal data for the ellipse into the Auto Feature dialog box. The software automatically displays the hit targets for the ellipse.
Adjust the nominal information in the Auto Feature dialog box to match the theoretical values of the ellipse. Also, adjust the values of the Probe Toolbox as needed.
Click Test to test ellipse measurement.
Click Create on the Auto Feature dialog box to add the ellipse to the measurement routine.
Save the measurement routine for future execution. See "A Note on Executing a Vision Measurement Routine".