The Details Pane

The Details pane appears on the right when you select a tile. It shows detailed information about that tile. If you select multiple products, the Details pane only shows the number of selected items. If you select only one tile, the Details pane contains more specific information. The exact items that appear depend on your configuration. For information on available configuration options, see "The Add-ons Screen" and "The Settings Screen".

If you're on the Parts screen, you can click the close button () to minimize the Details pane. It then appears as a vertical Details button.

Common Interface Elements

These items appear for all configurations:

When the Details pane is maximized, you can click the vertical blue bar to size the Details pane:

For an Administrator: You can use all the options on the Details pane.

For any other role: If you are anyone other than an administrator, you can only use the Details pane to view tile information and execute routines.

Each main section in the pane contains this small arrow (Drop down arrow) . It collapses or expands the items within that section.

Details Pane Items

Item Name - The topmost box shows the item's name. For folders and measurement routines, you cannot change the name. (If you need to change how it's displayed, modify Nickname under Favorites below.) If it's a playlist, you can rename or delete the playlist with these buttons:

Rename - This button edits the item's name. You cannot rename or delete the root folder names of Favorites, Playlists, Recent, This PC.

Delete - This button deletes the item.

Creation Date - This shows the date and time the product was started. The format is mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

Last Execution - This shows the date and time of the most recent execution. The format is mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

Execution Duration - This shows how long the most recent execution took to run. The format is hh:mm:ss.

In the above items, for the date, mm is the month, dd is the day, and yyyy is the year. For the time, hh are the hours, mm are the minutes, and ss are the seconds.

Product ID - This button shows the unique product ID if you position your mouse pointer over it. This is a pathway to the measurement routine.

You can click this button to copy the product ID to the Clipboard. You can then paste it (Ctrl + V) into the Scan or Paste ID on the Home screen and use the Lookup button to pull up detailed product information there.

Change Thumbnail - This changes the routine's thumbnail image. This button appears whenever you position your mouse pointer over a measurement routine's current thumbnail image. You can click this button to choose a new thumbnail image. You must run Inspect as an administrator to use this item.

Barcode - This item appears if you have the Barcode add-on installed. A blue barcode icon (Blue Barcode Icon) in this area indicates that a barcode is associated with this routine or playlist. A white barcode icon (White Barcode Icon) in this area indicates that there is no association. You can click the Learn Part button to associate a barcode with the routine or playlist. You can click the small remove button () to the right of Learn Part to disassociate a barcode.

For more information, see "Associating a Barcode with a Routine" or "Removing a Barcode Association". You must run Inspect as an administrator to use this item.

Dimension Sets - This area appears if you have the Dimension Sets add-on installed, and if your measurement routine contains defined subsets of features to measure. In PC-DMIS, these defined subsets are known as marked sets or mini-routines.

An Out of Tolerance button appears if you have executed a selected dimension set at least once, and items in that set resulted in an out-of-tolerance measurement. In this case, when you click this button, Inspect filters the items so that when you next click Execute, Inspect only executes the out-of-tolerance items from all dimension sets combined, instead of executing the items of just that dimension set.

If nothing is out of tolerance, this button does not appear.

If the Use temporary routines when executing setting is marked, and you have an out-of-tolerance measurements, the Out of Tolerance button does not become active. It'll be a ghosted-out red color with a caution symbol to indicate it's disabled. This is because the Out of Tolerance button does not function with that setting.

The Execute button executes the selected dimension set. If the Out of Tolerance button is visible and you click that button first, the Execute button executes only the out-of-tolerance items from the previously-executed dimension set or sets. For more information, see "Executing Routines to Measure Parts".

If your dimension sets use mini-routines, note that when you execute a mini-routine, it marks and unmarks features in the routine. This also affects the normal execution button for that routine. Be sure that understand these implications when you use mini-routines in your measurement routines and execute them in your dimension sets.

Favorite - This item appears if you have the Favorites add-on installed.

Nickname - This box lets you type in a nickname. This nickname is then used on screens and messages throughout the software in place of the actual product name. A nickname may make it easier for an operator to work with a long or difficult-to-understand product name. You must run Inspect as an administrator to use this item.

The small star symbol () to the left of this text indicates if the product is a favorite or not. If you mark the star symbol, the product appears in the Favorites list on the Home screen or Favorites screen. For more information, see "Working with Favorites".

Pre-Execution Files - You can click the Attach file button () list to add pre-execution files to the routine or playlist. Files that you add appear under this heading. These files are typically instructional or other files that you want the operator to view. For more information on how to add files to a routine, see "Adding Pre-Execution Files to a Routine or Playlist". You must run Inspect as an administrator to use this item.

Playlist - This area appears if you have the Playlist add-on installed.

Add to Playlist - This link appears if you select a routine. It opens up the playlist dialog box so that you can add the selected routine or routines to a new playlist or an existing playlist. For more information see "Using Playlists" and "The Playlist Dialog Box".

Edit Playlist - This link appears if you select a playlist. The link opens up that playlist in the playlist dialog box.

This informational text about a selected playlist also appears in this area:

Repetition - This shows how many times the playlist repeats during execution.

Auto Continue - Shows whether the playlist auto continues execution or not between routines.

Routines - Shows the routines in the playlist.

Routines - Shows the routines that are in the playlist.

Slideshow - This item appears if you use the Slideshow add-on. This area of the Details pane contains this information:

Name - This shows the slideshow template name for the routine. If there is no template for the routine, this shows "No Template".

Creation Date - If there is a slideshow template, this shows the creation date and time of the template.

Create Slideshow Template - This button appears if no slideshow template exists for the routine. It currently works only with routines stored on your computer. When you click this button, the Slideshow Template Editor opens so you can create a slideshow template. You can also create a template within the Slideshow tab on the Measure screen. You must run Inspect as an administrator to use this item. A setting in the Settings screen can enable this for standard users.

Edit Template - This button appears if there is a slideshow template for the routine. When you click this button, the Slideshow Template Editor opens the current template for edit. You must run Inspect as an administrator to use this item. A setting in the Settings screen can enable this for standard users.

EYE-D - This item appears if you have the EYE-D add-on installed. This area of the Details pane contains this information:

has External Alignment - If you want the selected routine to recall an external alignment to roughly locate the part, select this check box. Then, browse to the name of the external alignment file (.aln) to recall. (The .aln file was created when the manual alignment routine was executed.)

Learn - This button "teaches" the routine to use a detected part. For more information, see "EYE-D Add-on Execution Process".

Remove - This button removes the routine from the internal database that the EYE-D add-on uses. It does not delete the actual routine.

Execute - Usually, this add-on recognizes the part to be measured, creates an external alignment file, if required, and executes the routine. You may know the part that you want to execute to take advantage of the external alignment creation ability that the EYE-D add-on uses. To do so, navigate to and select the required routine and then click Execute. The EYE-D add-on creates an external alignment, if required, and executes the routine.

Related Topics:

Executing Routines to Measure Parts