The Playlist Execution View

The Playlist Execution View of the Measure screen shows the execution progress for both regular playlists and for pallets playlists.

Regular Playlists

Example Playlist Execution

Playlist Execution Example of three Routines (A, B, and C) Repeated Three Times

Orange - Indicates that measurement is underway for that routine. A circular progress indicator shows its progress.

Red - Indicates that one or more measurement results are out of tolerance in that routine.

Green - Indicates that all the measurement results in that routine are in tolerance.

Uncolored - Indicates unmeasured routines.

You can change this behavior if you enable the Auto Continue option in the Settings tab on the playlist dialog box. For information, see "The Playlist Dialog Box".

Pallet Playlists

Pallet Execution Example

Pallet Playlist Execution Example of Four Cells

Note that the colors in the above example and in the key below are from the Dark theme:

Dark Teal - Indicates an unexecuted cell.

Charcoal Black - Indicates a skipped cell.

Orange - Indicates that measurement is underway in that cell. A circular progress indicator shows its progress.

Red - Indicates that one or more measurement results are out of tolerance in that cell.

Green - Indicates that all the measurements in that cell are in tolerance.

The blue bars that connect the cells indicate the execution direction.

Common Elements

These elements are common to both styles of playlists.

Information button and report

You can also later access the reports from the Reports screen.

Related Topics:

Executing a Playlist