Importing DMIS Files

PC-DMIS can import generic DMIS files and DMIS routines created using extensions from specific vendor environments.

To import a DMIS routine file:

  1. Open the PC-DMIS measurement routine into which you are going to import the DMIS routine file.

  2. Select File | Import | DMIS. An Open dialog box appears.

  3. Choose Chorus DMIS Files or DMIS Files from the file type list at the bottom of the dialog box. PC-DMIS lists routine files that end with either the ".dmi" or ".dms" file extension.

Chorus NT programs follow the DMIS 3.0 Standard with extensions and are better managed. In most cases, you should choose Chorus DMIS Files over normal DMIS Files. For notes on translating ChorusNT DMIS files into a PC-DMIS measurement routine, see "ChorusNT to PC-DMIS Translation Notes".

  1. Navigate through the available directories until you find the directory that contains the desired DMIS routine file. Then select that file from the list.

  2. Click Import.

  3. PC-DMIS makes a first-pass translation of the input file. Once it completes this pass, the DMIS Import Setup dialog box appears. You can use this dialog box to select many options that are useful during the actual import phase.

  4. Select the necessary options from the DMIS Import Setup dialog box. See the topics below for information on using this dialog box.

  5. Click OK. PC-DMIS finishes the importation process.

PC-DMIS inserts an RMEAS/LEGACY command into the imported measurement routine. You can modify the DMISRmeasImport registry entry to change the default value for RMEAS commands on future imported DMIS files. For information on this command, see "Setting Up Relative Measure (RMEAS)".

View Supported DMIS Commands

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DMIS Import Setup – General tab

DMIS Import Setup – Error Log tab

DMIS Import Setup – Advanced tab

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