Rule Set Wizard - Step 2: Defining Delimiters

This step of creating a rule set helps you determine how you want to parse the data in the ASCII file, by column or by a delimiting character. You can also define the measurement units to use.

The Delimiter information provided in this step determines the columns for each of the parsed lines. Use the following options to parse your data.

By column - Use this option for ASCII files that use fixed lengths for fields. This allows you to separate each field based on the length of the field. This may require a little trial and error to define the correct lengths for each field.

By character - Use this option for ASCII files where fields are separated by tabs, spaces, commas or other characters. Select the separating character, tab or space.

The Units area specifies the measurement units to use for the imported values:

Preview and Refresh - See the "Rule Set Wizard - Previewing the ASCII File" topic.

Back - Returns to Step 1.

Next - Continue with Step 3.

Cancel - Returns to the Importing dialog box.