Features Options Area

(For information on accessing the dialog box containing this item, see "Editing Feature Appearance.)

The Features Options area allows you to change the color of selected part features and whether or not selected features or feature ID labels are displayed in the Graphic Display window. To use the items in this area, you must first select one or more items from the List of Features and then click the Selected from the list option. This enables the other items in this area.

The Search ID and Select Last # boxes are discussed in the "Search ID" and "Select Last #" topics in the "Navigating the User Interface" chapter.

The Feature Color option allows you to set the color for a specified feature's identification. This option works in the same manner as the Edit Color option (see the Edit CAD dialog box found in "Editing CAD").

To Change the Color of a Feature:

The Display area contains On and Off options that control the display of features in the Graphic Display window. This option is useful when you want to focus on only a portion of geometrical features the part contains at a time.

To Determine the Display of Selected Features:

The Label area contains On and Off options that control the display of feature IDs in the Graphic Display window. This option is useful when a portion of the part drawing becomes cluttered with several feature IDs. You can hide Specific IDs, allowing other IDs to be more easily viewed.

To Determine the Display of Selected Feature ID Labels: