Inserting a Print Command

The PRINT/REPORT command, when marked and executed, causes the measurement results to that point to be sent to the defined output destination (printer or file). After PC-DMIS executes the command, it clears the contents of the Report window, and only the remaining measurement results appear in the Report window. However, you can always click the View Report Mode icon on the Reporting toolbar to view the full report.

To insert a PRINT/REPORT command into the Edit window:

  1. If it the Edit window isn't already visible, choose View | Edit Window to open the Edit window.

  2. Choose View | Command Mode to place the Edit window into Command Mode.

  3. Select the Insert | Report Command | Print Command menu option (or type PRINT at the desired location and press Tab). PC-DMIS inserts a PRINT/REPORT command with various options you can configure.

  4. To configure the command, press F9 on the command and use the Output Configuration dialog box. For more information, see "Editing the PRINT/REPORT Command".

The PRINT/REPORT command controls the printing of reports from within the measurement routine. When PC-DMIS executes this command, a report is generated and sent to the specified output destination.

To control how PC-DMIS handles a report header after a PRINT/REPORT command, see "Header after Print Command" area in the "Edit Text Reporting" topic of the "Reporting Measurement Results" chapter.


Understanding the Syntax for the PRINT/REPORT Command

Editing the PRINT/REPORT Command