Tutorial - Creating Forms

This topic walks you through a basic tutorial that will create a simple form with some interactive dialog box controls that, when executed, will allow you to select a user name from a list and then choose to measure only certain features. The information you select will then appear in a final report.

While you can certainly duplicate aspects of this by using certain Edit window commands, this tutorial will give you an idea of what's possible with the Form Editor, some imagination, and a little programming skill.

This tutorial uses files you created in the "Creating a Custom Report Template" and "Creating Label Templates" tutorials. If you haven't already done so, complete those tutorials first.

Step 1: Preparing the Work Environment

Step 2: Create the Form

Step 3: Add Code to the RadioButton Control

Step 4: Add Code to the ComboBox Control

Step 5: Add Code to the Continue button

Step 6: Assign Edit Window Variables to Hold Form Properties

Step 7: Add Edit Window Conditional Code to Control Measurement

Step 8: Add Finishing Touches

Step 9: Execute the Measurement Routine