Step 3 - Load Supported Models

You can also load supported models stored in the Teamcenter database.

Choose a supported model file:

File | Import | NX (for DCT) or File | Direct CAD Interfaces | NX (for DCI)

File | Import | CATIA | CATIA 5

File | Import | JT

PC-DMIS shows messages and dialog boxes identical to the ones discussed for "Step 3 - Open a Measurement Routine", except that in this case, PC-DMIS looks for the specific model file type:

Once you have a measurement routine and a part model loaded, you can use PC-DMIS normally until you save your measurement routine.

PC-DMIS does not support saving native NX, CATIA, or JT files.

Proceed to the next step when you're ready to save your measurement routine back into the Teamcenter database.