Performing Advanced Scans

Advanced scans are DCC stitch-type scans done by a touch trigger probe (TTP ) and in some scans, by an analog probe. PC-DMIS and the CMM controller drive these scans. The DCC scanning procedure uses an intelligent, self-adapting algorithm that can calculate surface normal vectors for accurate probe compensation.

These advanced scans utilize a TTP, which allows automatic point-to-point digitizing of profiles on surfaces. Specify the necessary parameters for the DCC scan and select the Measure button. The scanning algorithm in PC-DMIS takes control of the measurement process.

PC-DMIS supports the following advanced scans:

For information on the options available in the Scan dialog box (the dialog box that you use to perform these scans), see the "Common Functions of the Scan Dialog Box" chapter in the PC-DMIS Core documentation.