Reporting Tutorials

This topic provides a list of available reporting tutorials. If you are new to the template-based reporting functionality that PC-DMIS uses, you should go through these tutorials in order to better understand how reporting is currently handled.

The tutorials below are displayed in the order that they appear in the overall documentation structure of the "Reporting Measurement Results" chapter. You may want to go through this chapter from the beginning to understand how the documentation topics are structured contextually.

To get the most out of the screen captures and videos that are provided in many tutorial steps, you should hide the Navigation pane on the left and then maximize your help viewer.

Additionally, you may find these other main reporting topics and procedures useful:

Remember that the links provided in this topic may result in topics seeming out-of-context. You may want to view the surrounding topics to get a better understanding of the concepts discussed. For information on using the help viewer's Locate button to do this, See "Searching the Help by Browsing Contents and Topics"