Using the Probe Toolbox in PC-DMIS Laser

Probe Toolbox with the laser sensor-related tabs

The View | Probe Toolbox menu option displays the Probe Toolbox. The Probe Toolbox contains various laser sensor parameters that you can use to acquire the data points that a measurement routine needs.

Your LMS license or portlock must contain the Laser option, and you must be working with a supported laser sensor to access the laser-related tabs in the Probe Toolbox.

The Probe Toolbox contains the laser parameters on these tabs:

For Portable Configurations

Laser Scan Properties *^+!

Laser Filtering Properties *+!

Laser Pixel Locator Properties *

Feature Extraction ^!

For CMM Configurations

Position Probe

Laser Scan Properties

Laser Filtering Properties

Laser Pixel Locator CG Properties

Laser Clipping Region Properties

Feature Extraction

Laser AF Multiple Creation


The list above shows all possible Probe Toolbox tabs. The tabs that are available depend on the sensor that you have on your system. If the capabilities for a tab do not apply to your specific sensor, then that tab is unavailable.

* For Perceptron probes, these tabs are visible when you close the Auto Feature dialog box.

^ For Perceptron probes, these tabs are visible when you open the Auto Feature dialog box.

+ For CMS probes, these tabs are visible when you close the Auto Feature dialog box.

! For CMS probes, these tabs are visible when you open the Auto Feature dialog box.