Creating Quick Scans

You can use the Quick Scan functionality to create a Linear Open scan from a polyline or surface. The quick scan can be created using the Curve mode or Surface mode of the CAD. For more information about these modes, see "Switching Between Curve and Surface Modes" in the "Editing the CAD Display" chapter of the PC-DMIS Core documentation.

You can select a single polyline or multiple polylines. Polylines can be open-ended or closed.

The distance between two points in the generated path depends on the scan point density. For a touch trigger probe (TTP), PC-DMIS also updates the value for the Max increment option in the Linear Open Scan dialog box based on the scan point density. To edit the scan point density, change the value for Point density on the Probe Options tab in the Parameter Settings dialog box. To access this dialog box, press F10 or choose Edit | Preferences | Parameters.

For a laser probe, to define the distance between two points in the generated path, PC-DMIS uses the value that was last set for the Increment option in the Linear Open Scan dialog box.

The scan start point on the first polyline is the point where you click and create a gesture. If this point is closer than the edge distance that is specified for the Offset option on the Path Definition tab in the Linear Open Scan dialog box, the scan starts from the edge distance away from the end point.

Quick Scan functionality supports spot laser probes on Vision machines. Quick Scan also supports laser probes.


Creating a Quick Scan on a Single Polyline

Creating a Quick Scan on Multiple Polylines

Creating a Quick Scan on a Surface

Probe Results

Using a Quick Scan to Create Points