Custom Probe

You can define a custom probe by selecting Edit | Preferences | Custom Probe Builder Utility from the main menu. You can use the Custom Probe option to define custom probes that you can then insert into measurement routines.

When you select the Custom Probe option from the Preferences sub-menu, PC-DMIS displays a prompt asking if you want to open an existing Probe Builder data file (*.dat) or create a new one.

Create a New Custom Probe

  1. At the prompt, click New to display the New dialog box.

  2. Navigate to the folder where you want to store the Custom Probe Builder file.

  3. Type the name of the new custom probe data file (*.dat) and then click OK. The probe file is created and the Custom Probe Builder Utility dialog box appears.

Open an Existing Custom Probe

  1. At the prompt click Open to display the Open dialog box.

  2. Navigate to the folder where the Custom Probe Builder (*.dat) file is located.

  3. Select the file and click Open. The Custom Probe Builder Utility dialog box appears.

You can manually define a custom probe by editing the usrprobe.dat file. For details, see the Editing the usrprobe Data File topic.


Custom Probe Builder Utility Dialog Box

Custom Probe Builder Utility File Menu

Custom Probe Builder Utility CAD Components Tab

Custom Probe Builder Utility Component Builder Tab

Custom Probe Builder Utility Assemble Tab

Creating and Using Connection Points on a Polygon Element