Probe Mode Toolbar

The Probe Mode toolbar (View | Toolbars | Probe Mode) contains icons that you can use to enter the different modes that the current probe or CMM uses.

Manual Mode - Use this icon to place PC-DMIS in Manual mode. Manual mode enables you to manually control your machine's movements and measurements. Manual mode is used on a manual CMM or during the manual alignment portion of a measurement routine that is run on an automatic CMM.

This icon inserts a MODE/MANUAL command into the Edit window at the cursor's location. Edit window commands that follow this command execute in Manual mode.

DCC Mode - Use this icon to place PC-DMIS in DCC mode. DCC mode allows supported DCC machines to automatically take over the measurement of your measurement routine.

This icon inserts a MODE/DCC command into the Edit window at the cursor's location. Edit window commands that follow this command execute in DCC mode.

Take Hit - Automatically takes and records a measurement hit at the current cursor location in the Edit window.

Erase Hit - Automatically deletes the last measurement that was taken.

Probe Readouts - Shows or hides the Probe Readouts window.

Point Auto Trigger Mode - Automatically takes a reading when the probe is close to the surface point. See the "Point AutoTrigger" topic.

Plane Auto Trigger Mode - Automatically takes a reading when the probe is a close to an edge point. See the "Plane AutoTrigger" topic.

Find Nominals from CAD Mode - Automatically finds the appropriate nominal from the CAD model when measuring online.

Point Only Mode - Interprets all measurements as points only. The Done key is not required.