Home > Available Help Files > PC-DMIS Portable > Portable Laser Probe Scanning
Current Help File: PC-DMIS Portable (View Core Help)
PC-DMIS allows you to manually scan the surface of your part into a Pointcloud (COP). From pointclouds, you can then perform Pointcloud operations and add Laser Auto Features to your measurement routine. You can perform portable laser probe scanning with a laser scanner, which is supported by RDS (such as the Integrated scanner, the HP-L/CMS, or the Leica LAS/LAS-XL), or you can use a Leica T-Scan.
For information on setting up and using a HP-L/CMS laser probe, see the "Getting Started" chapter of the PC-DMIS Laser documentation.
For information on using the Leica LAS laser scanner, see "LAS Scanning Workflow Example" in this documentation.
For information on setting up and using Leica T-Scan Probe scanners, see "Using a Leica Laser Tracker" in this documentation.