For some languages, PC-DMIS also provides some Help files as printable .pdf files.
To access these printable manuals:
Download and install the offline PC-DMIS Help file.
Navigate to where you installed the PC-DMIS Help file.
Open the PC-DMIS folder, then 2021.1, and then the language sub-folder for your language. For most languages, this folder has two characters. For Chinese, it has seven characters:
Chinese Simplified - zh-hans
Chinese Traditional - zh-hant
Czech - cs
Dutch - nl
English - en
French - fr
German - de
Hungarian - hu
Italian - it
Japanese - ja
Korean - ko
Polish - pl
Portuguese - pt
Russian - ru
Swedish - sv
Spanish - es
Turkish - tr
Inside the language folder, look for a file named <language>, where <language> is the current language.
For example, if you installed the English Help file to the default location, this is the folder pathway and the .zip file:
C:\Program Files\Hexagon\PC-DMIS 2021.1 64-bit English Help\pcdmis\2021.1\en\
If you installed the offline Help to the Program Files directory, copy the .zip file to user-created folder that isn't protected in order to extract the contents of the file.
See the Readme.txt file in that .zip file for more instructions and information.
If this .zip file contains localized .pdf manuals, then your language supports printable .pdf manuals. If this .zip file is empty or if it contains only English .pdf manuals, then your language does not support printable .pdf manuals.