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Current Help File: PC-DMIS CMM (View Core Help)
PC-DMIS is a powerful software application with a multitude of options and useful functionality. This section provides you with a "PC-DMIS CMM Tutorial" that you can follow to create and execute a measurement routine. This tutorial is not intended to train you on everything PC-DMIS can do. But, if you are new to PC-DMIS, it gives you a brief exposure to the software.
As you progress through the tutorial, you will become more familiar with how to:
Create measurement routines
Define probes
Work with views
Measure part features
Create alignments
Set preferences
Add clearance planes
Add programmer comments
Construct features
Create QuickFeatures
Add move points
Create dimensions
Execute measurement routines
View and choose reports
Learn best practices
Since experience is the best teacher, go ahead and get started in the "PC-DMIS CMM Tutorial" topic.